Pioneers in Mental Health Education
The 1st Ever Evidence Supported Experiential Mental Health Curriculum For Ages 13 and Up
*Evidenced To Reduce Trauma, Pain Intensity, and Anxiety Symptoms
*Evidenced To Increase Student Meaning, Purpose, and Emotional Support
Prepare U
Mental Health Curriculum

The Prepare U curriculum, developed by the Therapy Live team and endorsed by leading psychologists, community mental health directors, behavioral health hospitals, and The President of The American Psychological Association Division For Media Psychology and Technology is the 1st ever evidence supported experiential 15 - class comprehensive plug-and-play mental health curriculum that any teacher can easily facilitate with less than 2 hours of online training.
Prepare U can be delivered as either as a standalone course or as an integrated part of an overall health sequence. Prepare U provides students with the tools necessary to get to the root of potential problems, working to prevent unhealthy coping patterns from emerging and flourishing in the first place. School districts and organizations can support their entire community through Prepare U and the Prepare U Home Edition, which is ideal for remote learning and family engagement.
Want to Learn More?
Send us a message here with your contact information, school district, and any other meaningful information on how we can help your community. We will send you a private invite to our in-depth video on how the our game changing experiential social emotional Prepare U curriculum works.
Visit www.PrepareU.Live
32780 Grand River Ave
Suite 202
Farmington, Michigan 48336
844-724-5483 ext 3